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Black Sun Lit accepts 100 submissions per month for digital vestiges, an online series of fragments and ephemera, or Vestiges, a print journal of literature, art, and poiesis. Please familiarize yourself with the type of work we publish before submitting.

We allow simultaneous submissions (in the good faith that the writer will promptly notify us if their work has been accepted elsewhere) and request all writers wait until they’ve heard back from us before sending additional work (we aim to reply within 3–6 months). For past contributors, please wait at least 2 years (online) or 2 issues (print) after your work last appeared before submitting to us again (unless otherwise solicited). If withdrawing only a part of a submission, e.g. a poem, we ask that writers add a note to their submission via Submittable.

We do not accept unsolicited book manuscripts.

Black Sun Lit reserves the right to immediately dismiss—without notification—any work that does not observe our submission guidelines.

Black Sun Lit (generally) reads submissions for digital vestiges year-round and considers only unpublished work. For consideration, please submit—in one file—either 1–5 works of prose (no more than 5,000 words) or up to 5 poems (no more than ten pages). Interviews, art, and works of drama are also welcome.

Thank you for allowing us to review your work—we look forward to reading.

Black Sun Lit